Call for Donations

We are the group HOUSING FOR ALL in Hamburg. We are a self-organised association of homeless undocumented migrants, refugees and people in solidarity. We have come together to fight for equalm rights for all and to find and arrange housing for homeless migrants and refugees – for this we need your support!

We say: Solidarity will win!
We all know how difficult it is to find affordable housing in Hamburg. For people without a secure residence status it is even more difficult and in addition, many have lost their non-legal jobs due to the restrictions imposed by the Corona Pandemic.
With the nationwide shutdown since the middle of December, the situation has become even worst. Thanks to people showing solidarity, we have been able to accommodate more than 30 of our activists in the last few months, but we are always looking for new accommodation options, as most places are only temporary.
Every donation counts!
In this time, we need very urgent donations to pay and support rents. Since there are no other possibilities like solidarity partys or other activities to get more support, we are urgently depending on donations. Until the middle of next year we have to pay 900 Euro every month to support rents.
If we don’t get enough donations every month, some people will unfortunately have to leave their accommodations. Most of the solidarity people who offer us places, are not rich themselves and can‘t give places for complete free, because themselves have to pay the landlord. Every donation counts: Help us to provide undocumented migrants and refugees with a safe and warm home.

Together we stand – divided we fall!
Monthly donations by standing order would be great! We will also continuously keep you informed about
donations and expenses for the rental costs. We can issue donation receipts if required. If you have any
questions, please write or call us!

Phone: 0049 152 – 175 757 18
facebook: HousingForAllHamburg

Bank transfer recipient: KIEZ Wohnen e.V.
Bank: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG Hannover
BIC BFSWDE33HAN – IBAN DE37251205100008457202
Intended use: Housing for all